
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Way, The Truth, The Life

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Worship is central to our lives at St Joseph’s.  We share our worship resources with parents via the Headteacher’s Blog each week, and encourage you to engage in the weekly themes with your child.


Each week focuses on the upcoming weekend’s Gospel theme, challenging the children to reflect on our “Big Questions” from that Gospel reading.  We also incorporate into the weekly themes links to Fundamental British Values - helping to promote children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.   


We are proud of our rich routine of weekly worship, providing the children with an appropriate level of structure and flexibility, from the prayerful routines of liturgy to the creative flare of spiritual journaling.  

Mondays Gospel Worship

Whole school worship, led by the Headteacher

and introducing the upcoming weekend’s Gospel, 
weekly theme and Big Questions. 

Tuesdays Witness Worship

Whole school worship, led by another member
of the team, exploring the weekly theme through

the life and work of a witness to the Christian faith.

Wednesdays Class Worship

Class based worship, led by the children.  An 

opportunity to personalise the theme and examine

Bible stories that link to the same Big Questions. 

Thursdays Spiritual Journaling 

Class based worship, where children respond

to the Big Questions of the week by drawing,

writing and colouring - a creative kind of worship.

FridaysClass Celebration

Whole school worship, led by one of our

21 classes (from Reception to Year 6),

celebrating and concluding the weekly theme.

We also celebrate Mass on multiple occasions throughout the year.  Sometimes a priest comes to visit us and we gather as a whole community in our school hall.  At other times, we take a number of year groups across to St Mary’s Church (adjacent to the school building).  We have a very active relationship with our vibrant parish community, which you can learn more about here:

If you have any questions about our worship practices, you are always welcome to come and ask.  It may even be possible for you to observe school worship in order to understand our approach more fully.  We always welcome your thoughts and feedback.  Come and speak to a member of the Headship Team (before or after school each day) or send us an email:


You can review our Worship Calendar and Collective Worship Policy here, as well as download and print a copy of our school prayer:

We invest a significant amount of time and energy into developing engaging spaces for worship.  We strive for all children to be captured by opportunities to encounter Christ.  Here are some images of our garden chapel, our prayer grottos and our liturgy focal point.  Even our stairwells are an opportunity to celebrate the greatness of God!   
