
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Way, The Truth, The Life

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Meet the Team

The PFSA (Parents, Friends and Staff Association) is run by volunteers and its primary task is to raise funds for the extras that the school needs, where allocated budgets just can’t stretch!

Creating really fun events for everyone in the school community is always at the forefront of our fundraising efforts and we hope that you will enjoy many of the events throughout your time at St Joseph’s.

PFSA Events Include:

Christmas Market – this is held outside in the Junior playground and we organise great food, fun stalls and Santa always makes an appearance. Last year we raised over £8,000 for the coffers!

DISGLO – this family event is held during the Spring Term in the evening and the kids always love the disco feel to the night.

Summer Fair – this is always held in July and is great fun with stalls galore: gifts; face painting; colour hairspray; tombolas; kids games; go karts; bouncy castles; entertainment and yummy food stalls. The event is always a lovely summer’s day of fun!

Smaller Events – Discos, Craft Events, Stay & Play after school, Ground Force days, Phil-the-Bag textile collection, Frosty Fridays and the Golden Bucket.

What do we spend the money on?

The PFSA funds have been used to pay for the beautiful school entrance, reading books, sports kit, Year 6 leaver gifts, Nursery leaver gifts and much more. Previous years have seen £20k spent on the Junior and Infant playgrounds and a further £19k on the refurbishment of the Reception playground. The Reception classes now have a fantastic outdoor learning area, which they absolutely love.


If you have a wonderful idea that would benefit the children and community of St Joseph's and requires funding from the PFSA, you can put in a request using the Google Form link below:

PFSA Request for Funding Form

Please note that any request for funding will need approval from a member of the Headship Team in the first instance. 

Of course, none of this would be possible without the amazing parents, children and staff who volunteer to make the events happen. If you would like to get involved in the PFSA then simple contact: 

PFSA Meeting Documents
