
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Way, The Truth, The Life

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Diocese of Arundel & Brighton

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton was established on 28 May 1965, having previously been a part of the larger Archdiocese of Southwark.  There have been five Bishops of the Diocese, including Bishop Cormac Murphy-O'Connor who, in March 2000, became the 10th Archbishop of Westminster.  

Bishop Richard Moth was installed as the fifth Bishop on 28 May 2015 and continues to serve the Diocese today.  His motto, Pax et Gaudium in Domino, means ‘Peace and Joy in the Lord’.


Bishop Richard is represented by the school's Foundation Governors.  Foundation Governors are appointed in the name of the Bishop and form the majority of the governing body of a Catholic school. They have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed. 


The ministry of Foundation Governor is an important one, because the Catholic character of our school depends on committed Catholics being willing to undertake this service. The Bishop is therefore very appreciative of all those who offer to assist him in this vital task.  If you would like to learn more about the role of Foundation Governors, please see the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton's Governance page


Bishop Richard last visited St Joseph's in July 2015, to offer thanksgiving for the service of our retired Headteacher, Mr Stephen Phillips, and to bless our new school buildings.   

The Diocese comprises the counties of West & East Sussex and Surrey, and the city of Brighton & Hove. It is one of 22 Roman Catholic Dioceses in England & Wales.

Situated in the South East of England, the Diocese encompasses a large number of villages and smaller towns, as well as highly populated parts of Surrey, central Sussex and the coastal region running from Chichester to the Kent border. There are a number of universities (Sussex, Chichester, Brighton, Surrey, Royal Holloway College in Egham) as well as technical colleges and Colleges of Higher Education.

The Diocese has a weekly Mass attendance of 40,334 persons. There are 83 parishes, some with multiple churches.  There are a large number of Religious Orders, both men and women, living and working in the Diocese in a number of apostolates. The Diocese has a total of 83 Catholic schools.


You can visit the Diocesan website here:

You can read about Bishop Richard’s pastoral plan for the Diocese here:

Please pray with us for the future of our Diocese...
