
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Way, The Truth, The Life

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Medical Needs


If your child has allergies then you must inform the School Office so a Care Plan can be organised for your child.  


Prescribed Medication 

If your child is prescribed medicine which you need us to administer in school, please complete a Medical Request Form, which is available to download.

The medicine should be in its original packaging with your child’s name on it.


We cannot administer any medicine that has not been specifically prescribe by a doctor, this includes paracetamol or antihistamines.  Children may not keep medication on their person (or in their bag) and they may not self-administer medication in school.  

Emergency Medication 

If your child requires an asthma inhaler, we ask you to ensure this is clearly labelled, in date and stored in the School Office.  Children do not carry their own asthma inhaler around with them.


If your child requires an Epipen, we ask that you ensure this is clearly labelled, in date and shared with the School Office.  Your child wil be provided with a medical bag and they will need to ensure their epipen is kept on their person (or with their key worker) at all times.  



If your child has an accident or sustains an injury in school (beyond minor trips and bumps) we will contact you directly or via our online medical system, Medical Tracker, to inform you of the nature of the injury and the First Aid your child has received.  
