
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

The Way, The Truth, The Life

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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


At St Joseph’s we believe as a Christian community that we need to be open to each other’s special needs whether they are spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, educational or social.  All pupils, regardless of their particular needs, are provided with inclusive teaching which enables them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the school community.  We are committed to working with parents and children in order to ensure each child has equal access to the curriculum and is able to reach his or her full potential.

Please click on the links below to view our SEND Policy and Information Report. These explain how children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are identified at St Joseph’s. It outlines the process of assessing needs, planning and implementing support and reviewing progress against individual targets.

The Provision Map link details how we meet children’s needs at Universal, School SEND Support and Specialist SEND Support.

Our SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)


Mrs Jennie Trimmer is the school's Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion.  She is the school's SENCo, working closely with class teachers, parents and external agencies to understand our children's needs and provide the best support we can offer.  Mrs Trimmer is also the school's Medical Needs Officer.  She can be contacted on 01483 888401 or




Useful Resources:

Other Useful Links

The Surrey Local Offer website details the extensive provision that is available across the county. 


We have also created a document of other helpful links for parents:
